DIDI 弟弟 directed by Sean Wang, is a poignant and captivating feature film that delves into the intricacies of family, identity, and cultural heritage. Set against a rich backdrop the film follows the journey of its protagonist as they navigate the complexities of their Asian American identity. With a heartfelt narrative and compelling characters, DIDI 弟弟 not only entertains and prompts thoughtful reflection on the themes of belonging and self-discovery through the lens of nostalgia. Sean Wang masterfully captures the essence of intergenerational relationships, making DIDI 弟弟 a must-watch for audiences of all backgrounds.
Thank you our friends at Universal, MilkTea will be hosting community previews of DIDI 弟弟 in three different cities, collaborating with community partners Move Midlands and Juniper by the Sea.
Home, Manchester on 30 July, doors open at 17:30.
Mockingbird Cinema, Birmingham on 30 July, doors open at 18:30.
Picturehouse Central, London on 31 July, doors open at 18:30.
Public booking open on 23 July at 12noon. The booking link will be made available on our socials first, so be sure to follow us on Instagram.
Move Midlands
Move Midlands is a Midlands based theatre company for East and Southeast Asian artists. Building a more accessible theatre space for the wider ESEA community to explore theatre-making and to create new theatre work grounded in co-creation.
Juniper by the Sea
Juniper by the Sea is the UK's first East and South East Asian Bookshop. Founded by Zoe Li, her bookshop is a homage to the books and their writers that who continually strive to expand the horizons for all the wider community.